Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Back to college!

Woops! I'm back to college. Awesome first day... because I have insufficient sleep and I'm force to consume Red Bull. My friend said it taste like cough syrup. Oh well, I don't care~ because it helps me to last for my whole day activity. <3 it & please don't consume too much. You'll have diabetes! If you got exercise then it's okay la.

Started my class with Econs... 2 period~ Ok la. Then accounting was so boring. My lecturer really tried her best, I knew it, but her slang of English is quite difficult for me to understand. She's still awesome! The worst is still maths class. I really have no interest in math. I really found out how bad am I in calculating.
I couldn't see stuffs like how my friends did.
I couldn't think in their way.
I always see it in a very different way.
Maybe I'm just a traditional person overall, my brain just works very slow on it.

Went home & head to O.U.G to make a spare key for my car and it cost RM20 for 2. It's SUPER CON job... Seriously! Do I look like a person who doesn't know anything? I just keep quiet and let that uncle to con me. No doubt... He's the only available person there who can manipulate another key for me. This is what I called monopolise the market system. LOL!!! This is what I learnt via Econs. Awesome, huh?

Go mamak saw Ryan & Simon... Haha! I got tease by every single one of them, including Vincent, Leong Hooi, Vh & Sarah. OMG!!!

I just love my friends hell lot. I'm the one who speaks all and in the end get bullied the most. Haha! Tease me all you can, I know that we're always having a good friendship that beyonds everything in our life. Brotha! till the end.

Today no homework! Yeapee.... Can have a nice sleep today. =)

I learnt something new today. Sometimes it's not about what you want. You have to look at the overall picture and adapt to it. Try not to narrow yourself and limit to what you know or what you want. Open up! There's always opportunity outside. Not everyone in this society is evil. Get to know, get to feel it & you'll be pleasant to find out how wonderful is this world.

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
