Monday, June 15, 2009

Fishy Day

School is back and there's no happiness in my holiday after the incident. Haiz... what can i do? Unhappy today wearing my old spec and have to continue to wear it tomorrow. One of the stopper has already broken and the spec is only support by another 1 and it really hurts. My new spec would be done by tomorrow.

And today I'm all prepared to received my long awaited exam results. The 1st paper would be Chemis and I'm delightful with the results, 70. I'm also satisfy with my Physic paper, 65. Unhappy with the BM teacher. He came and said there would be no exam papers today because he also went for a vacation. I was like har? He went for whole 2 weeks? Come on, it's your duty to get the papers done.

Then here comes the Account paper which I forecast about 80+ but I only get 74, how could I deal it with my Account teacher. Last period would be Add Math. I was wishing for a pass cause I truely know parts of the concept. But then I failed... 28, it was horrible because I put quite some effort into it.

Back and get some teasing again...

Just hope to have a better tomorrow,
